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Qualified Equine Sports Massage Therapist (distinction) and Emmett Technique Therapist. IAAT Member.
A wealth of experience in Equine Sports Massage over the last 15 years with clients ranging from the happy hacker through to the elite Olympic athlete.
I am passionate about taking a holistic approach to every horse as an individual. As an experienced horsewoman with many years experience of backing and retraining horses I am able to look at the whole picture and help clients to achieve the very best from their horses.
Equine Therapy benefits all horses from all disciplines at all ages including young stock and retired horses. As well as routine care, I regularly attend competitions with clients.
I am very willing to work alongside veterinary surgeons providing support with rehabilitation e.g. post kissing spine surgery.
 I regularly attend a diverse range of CPD courses to refresh my knowledge and develop new ideas.
Based in the South West and happy to travel. Facilities for having horses at rehabilitation livery.