Dyll Ferreday


Having spent the last 42 years as a professional actor I know the importance of keeping my body mobile despite injuries and accidents – the show must go on! At the age of 13, I hurt my back as the result of a childhood prank which lead to me being locked in a breath-taking pain spasm for weeks on end, every year on and off for over 20 years. Despite x-rays, numerous complementary and traditional treatments nothing helped me. Until I was introduced to an old gentleman who had devised his own version of body realignment and muscle release and its effect on me was instantaneous.

He taught me a few moves which I have used to help colleagues in the theatre with back trouble. I called him my magician. He retired many years ago and I have searched without joy to find anyone like him – until now. I had hurt my back whilst decorating and decided to go to a friend who had recently trained as an EMMETT Practitioner. Having never heard of it I didn’t know what to expect, but anything is worth a try. Suddenly I had amazing upper body rotation and no pain. I hardly felt him do anything, it was bonkers, but it felt fabulous, so freeing. I was totally hooked.

Since then I have had the most wonderful time learning the magic of Ross Emmett’s Technique. I have experienced the treatments myself and now as a qualified EMMETT Practitioner have the privilege of being able to give the magic to others.

The EMMETT Technique has changed my life forever, let me help you change yours.